Wednesday 19 February 2014

Final Character And Layout

Layout: Final Development

After adding the extra furniture I could start colouring and finishing the layout design.

More Furnishing

To make my room seem less empty I added a 'Half-wardrobe' which would go on the right side of the interior design.

Designing the Dutch clock

In the book passage the interior of the ship contains a Dutch clock. I looked up what one of these looked like and followed the design to the dimensions and perspective of my room.

Face and Turn Around

Although I finished my character I also created a rough turn around from the second to last design and created some different face expressions for him.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Development at its finest!

How on earth did i stay on track!

Refining shading

I corrected the shading on my final design but i am unsure if the picture is better with sharp shading or slightly blurred shading...