Wednesday 19 February 2014

Final Character And Layout

Layout: Final Development

After adding the extra furniture I could start colouring and finishing the layout design.

More Furnishing

To make my room seem less empty I added a 'Half-wardrobe' which would go on the right side of the interior design.

Designing the Dutch clock

In the book passage the interior of the ship contains a Dutch clock. I looked up what one of these looked like and followed the design to the dimensions and perspective of my room.

Face and Turn Around

Although I finished my character I also created a rough turn around from the second to last design and created some different face expressions for him.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Development at its finest!

How on earth did i stay on track!

Refining shading

I corrected the shading on my final design but i am unsure if the picture is better with sharp shading or slightly blurred shading...

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Final Character Design!

After much shading and adding a shadow, i have finished the final piece of the character, however he still requires a few blueprints of stuff such as turn-arounds and other poses, but not fully coloured.

Colouring and shading...

I added the same colours as the previous pose and made a shading plan. Even though this could work on its own i would prefer to do it the scratchy, pencil way i've been doing it before.

Enlarging and refining...

The dimensions required a lot of tweaking, especially for the perspective of the left arm and the walking stick. But once it was done i enlarged the entire image over twice its size, and then redrew it in higher quality, whilst correcting a few more parts.

New pose!

By making a new pose for my character I am also going to blow it up to a higher definition so this time it can be a much smoother and less pixelated drawing. But first the dimensions in this version need a little tweaking.

Changing poses

Going back to thumbnail format, i had another look into changing my character's pose...

Further final character development...

I added some shading and a background to my final character design, now i need to try him in different poses.

Monday 10 February 2014

Development: Texture and Lighting

Now i'm trying to add some texture to the wooden surfaces and create the light source upon the lamp.

David Copperfield scenery

My first of the three final layouts is taken from a very even perspective from a room with a short small table (perhaps the 1820 equivalent of a coffee table) looking towards the door.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Final Character Design (first draft)

I wanted the character to be bulky, rounded and bearded so i kept these features. But this character is a little more 'square' than my previous design. After each drawing i improved even further until eventually i started colouring him in.